挑発・青獅子の学級 The Blue Lions Rise
Training Grounds
ディミトリ: いよいよ模擬戦か。はは、腕が鳴るな。先生はどうだ?
Dimitri: Ah, it's finally time for the mock battle. I'm eager to put my skill to use. And you, Professor?
Choice1 楽しみだ I'm looking forward to it. (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: 良かった。先生の采配、期待してるよ。俺たちも、勝利のために力を尽くそう。
Dimitri: Excellent. I have high expectations for your command. That said, I've no doubt it will take everything we've got to pull a victory.
Choice2 勝てるかな I hope we can win.
ディミトリ: 心配することはない。あの村で俺たに指示をくれた時と、同じようにやればいい。
Dimitri: I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you command us as you did back in the village. I have no doubt we'll be fine.
ディミトリ: 大丈夫だ。手強い相手かもしれないが、きっと勝てる。
Dimitri: Our opponents are mightly, that much is certain. But I'm positive we can win.
クロード: やあ、お二人さん。作戦会議かい? 俺たちも交ぜてくれよ。
Claude: Hey there! Did we miss our invite to this strategy meeting? Oh no, worries―we'll just join in now.
ディミトリ: 勘弁してくれ、手の内は隠すものだろ。相手が強敵なら、尚更だ。
Dimitri: Nice try, Claude, but I do not intend to let slip our strategies. Especially when we are up against such strong opponents as you two.
クロード: そりゃあ光栄。ならば期待に応えて、俺たちも奇策を用意しておかないと、なあ?
Claude: Well now! Kind words from his kingliness. If that’s the case, we’d better some up with some clever schemes so as not to disappoint. Right, Princess?
エーデルガルト: ええ、貴方たちがどんな手で来ようとも、それを上回る戦術で打ち破ってあげる。
Edelgard: Right. No matter the tactics you devise, we will destroy you. The best you can hope for is to learn a thing or two.
ディミトリ: いや、張り切るのはいいが……。あまり、無茶をしないようにな。
Dimitri: Haha, there’s nothing wrong with a friendly rivalry, but let’s not get carried away. A rash attitude could be your undoing, after all.
エーデルガルト: へえ。敵の心配をするなんて、随分と余裕があるようね、ディミトリ。
Edelgard: … Perhaps your time would be better spent preparing instead of worring about the competition’s mindset.
クロード: おやおや戦いはまだだってのに、そんなに熱くなって……我が学級は楽をできそうだ。
Claude: Hey, now! If you two are getting this fired up before the battle even starts…it’ll make it that much easier for my class to sweep up a win. So please, carry on.
ディミトリ: そういうつもりじゃ……いや、悪かったよ。何はともあれ、実りある戦いにしよう。
Dimitri: A good point, Claude. I apologize that wasn’t my intention. At any rate, let’s vow to make this a productive battle, shall we?
Choice1 お手柔らかに Don’t go too hard on us.
クロード: おっと、先生の本心はわかってるんだ。負ける気はないって顔に書いてある。
Claude: No use trying to hide how you really feel, Teach. I can see it in your eyes—you don’t intend to lose.
Choice2 負ける気はない I don't intend to lose.
エーデルガルト: そう。貴方がそう言うのなら、手を抜いてあげる必要はなさそうね。
Edelgard: Oh? In that case, I won't hold back.
マヌエラ: あらあら、みんな揃ってお喋りかしら?すっかり仲良くなったようね。
Manuela: Aw, how precious. Looks like you and the students have become fast friends.
ハンネマン: 君たちが親睦を深めるのは大変結構だが、そろそろ作戦会議の時間だ。
Hanneman: While I am pleased that you are taking the initiative to acquaint yourself with the students, I'm afraid it's about time for the faculty strategy meeting.
クロード: もうそんな時間か。それじゃ、お二人さん。また後でな。
Claude: Ah, how time flies! In that case, I'll see you later.
エーデルガルト: 貴方たちの力量、確かめさせてもらうわ。
Edelgard: I look forward to assessing your abilities. I hope you don't disappoint.